Tuesday 12 May 2020

Ratu - Tuesday - Hair Day

It has been lovely catching up with everyone on Google Meets and getting to see your smiley faces.
I think everyone is out of the Learning Pit with learning how to switch their microphones on and off for talking time and listening time. This makes it easier to hear the speaker, as the microphones pick up all the other background sounds and voices.

I will email the link to your parents at 9:55am for the 10:00am meeting and !:55pm for the 2:00pm meeting. Please wait until 10:00am and 2:00pm before you join.

Today we have these students sharing -

10:00  - Tejaswini, Alexander, Ruby

2:00 - Blake, Maddie, Orlando


  1. I think lots of us are worried about our hair! Poor Mr Smaill... he will need a haircut on Thursday. I can't wait until I can get a hair cut too! From Miss White

  2. Anonymous11:07 am

    Morena Mrs Smaiil and Room 10 students.
    I bet everybody's hair has grown so much since lock down.
    I also have challenged my students in Room 23 to look at slide 7 and "What is gravity" It is so funny and interesting to watch the astronauts, Karen and Chris brush their teeth and wash their hair. Chris swallows his toothpaste! I may have to try this out.

  3. Anonymous11:44 am

    Good morning Mrs Smaill - I can imagine that hairdressers are going to be VERY busy in the coming weeks. I love the Bad Hair Day song I think I will ave it stuck in my head all day long! Have a great day!

  4. Anonymous11:49 am

    Mōrena Mrs Smail, I bet there are so many people having bad hair day's at the moment!! The perfect time to practise one of our favourite school songs! I am looking forward to seeing what room 10 get up today.
    Miss Robertson

  5. Room 9a had fun on our Google Meets today. Miss Robertson suggested we wore something on our heads and I wore a monkeys face which is a pyjama case! I spoke in monkey too! Ooh, ooh, ooh! That hid my bad hair day!!!
    Imagine having a hair cut in space Mrs Smaill.
    From Mrs Burge

  6. Good Morning Mrs Smaill, not long now until we are back at school. I wonder if the children in Room 10 can count how many sleeps until we are back at school? Have a wonderful day everyone! From Miss Fullard.
