Tuesday 5 May 2020

Craters and Faces of the Moon - teacher chat

Today, you might like to check out the Inquiry Slide, number 13.
I have included some cool experiments that you might like to try that related to our 
questions about Space that we wanted to explore more as a class. 

Remember to keep your beautiful work so that you can share it back in the classroom
and I can display it on our classroom walls for others to enjoy.

Today, is the start of our Google Meets, very exciting!!!
It is more new learning for me. I am stretching my brain, using my GROWTH GEM again.
I hope I will be out of the learning pit and everything goes successfully with
the link up.

Look forward to seeing you today at 10:00 or 2:00.


  1. We have the board game and in the lockdown we bought Monopoly for the playstation. It is so cool.
    The craters of the moon experiment sounds awesome.
    Good luck with your Google Meet Video calls today Mrs Smaill and Room 10.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Mrs Monaghan11:19 am

    Enjoy your google meet video calls room 10, I'm sure you will love seeing everyones happy faces Mrs Smaill and some things they've been up to! Have a great day.

    1. Yes, it was lovely to see some of my students smiling faces and hear about all their fabulous learning.

  3. I hope you enjoyed your first video chats with the Room 10 Mrs Smaill. From Miss White

  4. Some wonderful research ideas and experiments to try today. I look forward to seeing the work displayed on your blog page.

  5. Anonymous12:38 pm

    Mrs Smaill I have never seen a travel version of Monopoly...how cute! We have been playing the NZ version of Monopoly in our house which has been great for lots of learning areas including the Geography of NZ as well as Maths. I have been rather enjoying it to be honest!

  6. Anonymous2:24 pm

    Good afternoon Mrs Smaill. Looking forward to our catch up this afternoon and finding out how your Google meets went today. Those science experiments sound very cool. I bet lots of Room 10 will try some of these.
