Monday, 11 May 2020

Monday, 11 May - Welcome to Week 5


  1. Anonymous10:08 am

    Morena Mrs Smaill. I hope that you had a lovely Mothers Day too. The new slidedeck looks very exciting. So much to do. Our GEM's are so important. Some lovely ideas to make connections with friends and family. Have a great day.

  2. I hope you had a lovely Mothers Day yesterday Mrs Smaill. Did you get some heart pancakes for breakfast? From Miss White

  3. Anonymous10:48 am

    Morena Mrs Smaiil, thats a great idea to write a letter or even do a google call to a friend or a family member. This is definately showing the kindness GEM.

  4. Anonymous12:55 pm

    zǎoān (Good Morning in Chinese) Mrs Smaill. I like all of the ways you said good morning in your video. I wonder if Room 10 knows how to say good morning in any more languages. From Miss Stuhlmann

  5. Your GEMS are shining bright today Mrs Smaill.
    From Mrs Burge

  6. Anonymous3:00 pm

    Ciao Mrs Smail! Great idea reminding everyone how to find our distance learning slides. I am looking forward to seeing what room 10 get up to this week.
    Miss Robertson
