Thursday 30 April 2020

Rapare - Teacher Chat video

Today is Rapare, Thursday 30th April. 
The last day of April for 2020.
Gosh, time goes fast! How about trying 
out some of the 'Time' activities o
the new Maths slide. 
Then later you might like to do some fitness 
by joining in with the Gonoodle 
Hip Hop Dance on the PE and Health slide.
Have a fun day and see you tomorrow, 
Friday 1st May 2020.


  1. Good morning Mrs Smaill. Can you believe it's May tomorrow! You're right ...time does fly! From Miss White

  2. Hi R10 and Mrs Smaill
    Yes too much sitting around makes Captain Trembath a bit grouchy! I had to practice walking the plank this morning! Take a look at R11 blog and see what your Buddy class have been up to R10 and I will ask my crew to do the same!

  3. We all need to take care of our well being - exercise and mindfulness are a great benefit to us all. Checking out your buddy class blogs is a great idea too.

  4. I think I may come out of lockdown chair shaped too from all the sitting at the computer Mrs Smaill!
    I can't wait to get back to normal so I can see the sky again instead of sitting at the dining table on the computer all day!
    From Mrs Burge
