Wednesday 15 April 2020

Welcome Back to Term 2 - video


  1. Our distance learning slidedeck has so many lovely learning activities to choose from. Have fun completing some of those activities Room 10!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Anonymous11:50 am

    What an exciting start to Term 2. There are lots of fabulous activities on the slidedeck that you can try. Remember just do a little bit each day. have fun and remember to do some exercise each day, do some mindfulness and practice your Sunnyhills GEM'. Keep shining everyone xxxxx

  3. Anonymous3:33 pm

    Welcome back to Term 2 Mrs Smaill and Room 10. Don't forget to also watch my special welcome back here:
    Can't wait to check out your distance learning team!

  4. Hi Mrs Smaill and Room 10 friends,

    My Dad and I did an experiment in our basin showing things that either float or sink. My Dad took a video of what we did and would like to post it on our class blog. Could you please let us know how we do this.

    Hi everyone, from Orlando ��

  5. Good morning, Nick and Orlando
    Great to hear about your floating and sinking science experiment.
    I would love to share the video on the blog. You just send it like the photos to my school email. I will email you this info as well.
    Have an awesome day learning at home together. :)
