Friday, 24 April 2020

Friday - remembering the ANZACS


  1. Anonymous10:43 am

    Good Morning Mrs Smaill and Room 10, we have been doing lots of baking in our house too! Have a great weekend. Fingers crossed this beautiful sunny weather continues!

  2. Good morning Mrs Smaill. We would love to be a taste tester at your house for all those dessert treats!! We have baked banana bread and chocolate chip cookies in our house, but am looking forward to trying Anzac biscuits tomorrow too. From Miss White

  3. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Happy Friday Mrs Smaill. I know that you are a fabulous baker and I am sure that your ANZAC biscuits will be delish!

  4. I will sing the New Zealand National Anthem tomorrow to remember the soldiers.
    From Mrs Burge
