Wednesday 29 April 2020

Morena Room 10 from Mrs Smaill


  1. Your house is always spotless, Mrs Smaill. Maybe you could give me some training because my house never seems to stay tidy for long!
    The parents will be looking forward to chatting with you this week and the children will be super excited to see each other on Google Meet next week.
    From Mrs Burge

  2. Anonymous11:32 am

    I bet all your class will be excited to be able to catch up with their classmates next week.It was lovely meeting you on my walk on Sunday. It was great to be able to catch up even though we had to talk 2 metres apart.

  3. Mrs Churchill11:45 am

    Morena Mrs Smaill and Room 10. It will be exciting having Mrs Smaill ring in this week and find out from Mum and Dad how your learning is going.
    I'm looking forward to checking your blog tomorrow and seeing some more of the great learning you are all doing. Have a great day.

  4. Anonymous1:09 pm

    Good morning Mrs Smaill and Room 10, Wow, you guys have been so busy sharing your fabulous learning in your bubble. I can't wait to see what you have been learning this week. Will check in again soon!

  5. I'm sure the children in Room 10 will be very excited to start their video meets next week. It will be great for them to catch up with their classmates!
