Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Week 5 - Tuesday, 18th August


Reading is a great way to improve your Learning.
Head to Slide 10 on our Distance Learning slide deck
and select some books to read.
I have suggested some interesting follow up activites
that you might like to share with me later.

Also remember you can watch Suzy Cato on t.v.
 for some extra learning as well.
Have an awesome day.
Mrs Smaill x


  1. Oooo those sandwiches you are making look so yum! Emmerson and I talked about our favourite sandwiches. Hers is vegemite and chippie and mine is chicken salad. We have been reading lots of books in our house too. From Miss White

  2. I haven't watched the TV channel yet, Mrs Smaill. I will have to take a look at some point today.
    From Mrs Burge

    1. You have some super ideas to follow up the activities on the slide deck Mrs Smaill.

  3. Anonymous1:37 pm

    I haven't watched the TV channel yet either Mrs Smaill. Lots of great ideas you have suggested to follow up after reading a book. I look forward to seeing what they have done.

  4. Anonymous2:47 pm

    Hello Mrs Smail! I have been trying to get out and do a bit of exercise too. It is a lot colder than last lockdown! Its great to have Suzy Cato back on the TV! Reminds me of my childhood! I hope you have a great day today :)
    Miss Robertson
