Thursday, 27 August 2020

Dreaming of Clouds


Cloud watching is one of my favourite activities.
The sky is amazing - always changing and I sometimes
think that if you painted the clouds as they look people
may not believe you because they can be so different, 
all at the same time!

Why not check out the Science slide (7) and click
on the link to see how Clouds are formed.
Then do some Cloud Gazing.
This will be good for Mindfulness too.

Have fun and see you tomorrow at the 
Friday Google Meet at 11:00


  1. Anonymous9:08 am

    Morena Mrs Smail. Thats a fun idea to write an imaginary story about a cloud shape. I also used to love looking at the clouds and thinking of the many different shapes that they formed. I remember seeing a dragon once puffing smoke! I wonder what your Rm10 students will see?
    Have a good day.
    Mrs Edmonds

  2. Good morning Mr Smaill. Today is the perfect day to be cloud watching! There are lots of clouds in the sky today. We stood on out on our deck and found a one that looked like a flying teddy bear! From Miss White

  3. It is fun looking up at the clouds thinking about what shapes they make Mrs Smaill. It would be interesting to research how clouds are formed.
    From Mrs Burge

  4. Anonymous11:10 am

    Morena Mrs Smail, great suggestions for today. Clouds are so interesting aren't they? I'm sure room 10 will find out lots about them by checking out the science slide. I hope you have a nice day today Mrs Smail, hopefully your outdoor furntiture doesn't fly away in the wind!
    Miss Robertson

  5. Good morning Mrs Smaill. I love dancing and it's so much fun to do when we have to stay home. I can hear a great song on the radio right now that is great for dancing to. So I'm going to enjoy having dance all by myself. Have a happy day.
